Collecting Ontario licence plates for 40 years

These are scans of old photographs, saved images from my searches over many years, or still captures from films.
New images will be added chronologically by date taken.

A Toronto taxi.

A relatively low station wagon X-plate.

A proud motorist must be photographing the car.

Car wreck as photographed by the Perth OPP.

An Ottawa bus makes its way.

Toronto traffic waits at Bloor and Yonge. Note the plates and the Highway 5 sign.

Junked TTC buses with 1948 plates still attached.

Traffic in Toronto.

Celebration parade for Marilyn Bell after her swim across Lake Ontario. Note the dealer plate.

Unknown street corner. Could be Perth?

A compact pulls over to the shoulder.

The Royal Limousine departs the Ottawa airport tarmac for a Royal tour.

A hipster and his Dodge.

An Olds sits proudly on a podium, awaiting a new owner.

Car wreck as photographed by the Perth OPP.

Another proud motorist is photographing his sporty wheels.

A proud vehicle owner.

Maritime-Ontario tractor-trailer with a mess of plates on the front bumper.

Frisby Tire, in Ottawa.

A long-forgotten parade, featuring a Pontiac convertible with Ontario dealer plates.

X-plated station wagon at an Ontario Rambler dealership.

Yonge Street in Toronto.

Plate 40-000 visible on the Macdonald-Cartier bridge into Ottawa.

TTC bus in traffic.

OPP motorcycle 5, bearing Ontario motorcycle plate 5.

Stay off the 401... looks like it's not quite ready.

A Jaguar, parked in Sault Ste. Marie.

High school kids working at a fund-raiser car-wash. Location unknown.

Queen Elizabeth II inspects her guards on Parliament Hill in Ottawa.

Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip ride in their Canada Day motorcade.

A beautiful Corvette with an interesting Confederation plate.

Do-it-yourself repairs in Toronto.