Collecting Ontario licence plates for 40 years

These are scans of old photographs, saved images from my searches over many years, or still captures from films.
A few of them were taken by me. New images are added to the top of this gallery.

Forces in Germany plates on a car spotted in Ottawa, just returned from overseas.

Snapshot from the first swap meet in Acton. Will Loftus, Norm Ratcliffe, Jon Upton, Dave Steckley, Paul Cafarella.

Independent swap meet in Ottawa, featuring the same sign used at the 1973 ALPCA Convention in Ottawa.

Yonge Street in Toronto.

Frisby Tire, in Ottawa.

Junked TTC buses with 1948 plates still attached.

A woman poses next to her Benz. Her friends all drive Porsches, so she made amends.

Man driving a Ford Model A.

Lady driving an unidentified automobile.

Rubber plate on a car in Toronto.

Celebration parade for Marilyn Bell after her swim across Lake Ontario. Note the dealer plate.

Vehicle with diplomatic plate outside the Taiwanese embassy.

Roy Carson, ALPCA member 17.

Thomas Wilby pours Atlantic water into the Pacific at the terminus of the Red Route.

Ottawa's first fire engine. Note the dealer plate.

Queen Elizabeth II inspects her guards on Parliament Hill in Ottawa.

Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip ride in their Canada Day motorcade.

QEW-50 plate on a motorcade vehicle, and red crown plate on the Queen Mother's vintage limo.

Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau's officially-plated limo.

OPP motorcycle 5, bearing Ontario motorcycle plate 5.