Collecting Ontario licence plates for 40 years
First started as "My 2 Cents" in 1997, I have written posts numbering into the hundreds. New posts arrive continually. Find an article by clicking the tag cloud below, or selecting a category, doing a search (see magnifying glass below on the right), or just scroll down to see the articles in chronological order.
Barrie Bust / Country Collection
No Food on the Plate in Barrie
Plates in a Northern Town
2020 Highlights and Outtakes
Forest Junkyard
Dad's Plates
Lonely Roads
Leavings in London / Bargains in Bothwell
Barrie, Orillia, and the Midland of Nowhere
Being a Boy in Barrie
Valley Forge 2018: Part 3 of 3
Valley Forge 2018: Part 2 of 3
Valley Forge 2018: Part 1 of 3
Monaghan Forest car dump
Stir it up
Stories for the sake of telling
Landing in Lindsay
Is it spring yet?